Volunteer Form
Listed below are the areas that parent volunteers will be needed during our production. As listed in the contract, we will need lots of help to get this production completed in the allotted time. We ask that each cast member’s parent and/or cast member to contribute 6 hours of volunteer time to the production. This volunteer time can be distributed over any of the areas below. Please review the list and check the three areas that you'd like to be considered for as a volunteer. If your schedule does not permit you to contribute the required 6 volunteer hours to our production, and you’d prefer to pay the optional $195 opt-out fee, please see the payment option below the form.
Volunteer Opt-Out Fee
If you are unable to contribute the required 6 volunteer hours to our production, you may opt-out by paying the additional fee below. Please communicate any hardships or concerns to the directors, and we will take these into account on a case by case basis.