Summer 2025 Jr. Production

Seize the day and join us this summer for Red Phoenix Theatre Company’s production of Newsies Jr. This show is part of our educational programming and is intended for ages 8 - 16. During this intensive show camp, students will be actively engaged in learning character development, acting skills, dance techniques, and will receive vocal instruction.

Disney's Newsies JR. is a 60-minute version of the 2012 Broadway musical, based on the 1992 film. Inspired by the rousing true story of newsboys in turn-of-the-century New York City, Newsies JR. features a Tony Award-winning score by Alan Menken and Jack Feldman and a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein.

When powerful newspaper publishers raise prices at the newsboys' expense, the charismatic Jack Kelly rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions. Together, the newsies learn that they are stronger united and create a movement to fight for what's right.

Including the now-classic songs "Carrying the Banner," "Seize the Day," and "Santa Fe," Newsies JR. is a timeless story full of spirit and heart.

The junior version of Newsies offers many featured roles for male and female characters. Many of the leads are gender flexible and this version has been written to include featured female newsies.

General auditions will be completed by video submission. These will be due Monday, April 7 by 7pm. We encourage everyone to get their auditions in as quickly as possible, as they will be reviewed as they are submitted. Audition videos should be 60 seconds or less. Your audition should be a verse and a chorus of a song in similar style to this title. Your audition’s accompaniment track should be instrumental only. Please slate with your name, age, and height at the beginning of your video.

Submissions Instructions:

  1. Please upload your audition video as an unlisted youtube video link.

  2. The youtube link should be titled “FirstName_LastName_Showtitle”

  3. Submit your unlisted youtube video link to Please have the subject line as “FirstName_LastName_Showtitle”.

Please see the AUDITION DAY SPECIFICS page for submission details.

Callback information will be provided soon. Details will be emailed out to auditioners once registered.

In order to be considered for callbacks and the production, you must: complete the registration form below, register for the class, and pay the first tuition installment. Once you have completed the audition form, instructions will populate to register and pay for the class.

Production Dates: This production camp will take place May 31 - June 8.

This summer intensive requires few to no conflicts due to the escalated time table. Please review the tentative calendar and reach out with any questions prior to registering.

Performances will take place June 6 - 8 at Red Phoenix Performing Arts Studio.

Tuition: Tuition for this production is $550 plus a $25 registration fee. Tuition is broken into 4 payments. A $137.50 payment is due at the time of registration, and the remaining payments will debit $137.50 automatically the first of each month April - June.

Should a student register after March, additional payment(s) will be drafted at the time of registration to catch up to the tuition schedule. Everyone that registers for this production will be cast in the show. Space is limited. Tuition is non-refundable.

Please contact us at with any questions.

Audition Sign Up

Audition Sign Up Form

Please complete the form to secure an audition spot. The form needs to be completed, even if you are submitting a video audition.

Bring a Buddy Program

Bring a buddy with you to auditions and SAVE $25 OFF you AND your buddy’s tuition! Click the image below for details!