Good Wishes

Directions For Submitting A Good Wish

1.) Determine what size good wish you would prefer (see samples below). Please be sure to pay for your good wish before submitting. 

2.) Three line good wishes should be three lines of text that have 120 characters total. Final good wishes should be emailed to Please put your student’s first name, last name, good wish, and the show they are part of in the subject line of the email. For example, “JohnSmith_goodwish_showtitle”.

3.) If you want a 1/4 or 1/2 page template, pay close attention to sizing info when creating your good wish. A quarter page should be 3.5" High X 2.25" Wide. The half page should be 3.5" High X 4.5" Wide. If you want to download a blank template, please click the respective image above. It will take you to a new page with what appears to be a red rectangle. This image is a template of the correct dimensions. Simply right click the image, save it to your computer, and then open this image in your photo editing software. Once you have completed your good wish, please email it to Please put your student’s first name, last name, good wish, and the show they are a part of in the subject line of the email. For example, “JohnSmith_goodwish_showtitle”.

Good Wish Heathers Teen Edition
from $10.00
